Learn Truth Why I’m Ending Ancient Tree of Life

Ancient Tree Of Life

Ancient Tree of Life

Learn Why I'm Ending Ancient Tree of Life

Ancient Tree of Life Project

I will be concluding my work with the Ancient Tree of Life.

After much thought, and recent events, I have made a decision to end active work on the Ancient Tree of Life Project.

Moreso, I have come to a fork in the road.

Fork In The Road

From these crossroads I have made the decision to end the Ancient Tree of Life and begin a new project.

One very dear to my heart.

While this may come as a surprise to some, in actually, it is the origin of my work to begin with.

And, this has happened before.

As all things have occured before.

Anunnaki The Bible

Anunnaki The Bible Project

Before the Ancient Tree of Life Project, I worked on the unofficial Anunnaki The Bible Project.

The unofficial Anunnaki The Bible project was born out of the need to give voice and clarification to the misinformation surrounding the origins of the Ancient Sumerian spirituality system and their pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, known as, the Anunnaki (Followers of An or Anu).

Much of the work on this project was created from my personal experiences and research and spiritual development with this very old and ancient system of religious worship.

I give much credit to the author Joshua Free for his hardwork, deligenve and dedication to compiling and putting together these literary works.

Without his contribution, I never could have come this far so quickly.

However, at the time, I had also been working on the Ancient Tree of Life Project.

The unofficial Anunnaki The Bible Project became a supplmental and titiary reference for the spiritual research, and learning I had been working on within the Ancient Tree of Life.

Learn more about unofficial Anunnaki The Bible here

Ancient Tree Of Life

Ancient Egyptian Tree of Life Project

I found, that there were many correlations between the Anunnaki The Bible’s host of divine knowledge, tools and systems that paired well with and infact, supplemented some of the holes in the Ancient Tree of Life.

Where my work with the Ancient Tree of Life had holes or missing pieces of information, due to the destruction of the great Kemetic Spiritual system, the Anunnaki The Bible Project complemented my work.

However, after sometime, I decided to fork from the Anunnaki The Bible Project and dedicate myself solely to the development and learning of the Ancient Tree of Life and it’s Kemetic spiritual learning and mystery school systems.

Learn more about Ancient Tree of Life Project here

Separation of Houses

However, just as the two great houses of Ia (EnKi) and Enlil had been separated, so too had I separated the great houses of the Ancient Sumerian Anunnaki and the Ancient Kemetic Neter.

All things begin, and all things end.

The end begets the beginning, just as the beginning is born from the ashes of the end.

However, this is not a complete and total end.

New Beginnings

The Ancient Tree of Life will not be completely or totally ended.

On the contrary.

The Ancient Tree of Life  will remain in intact and in effect.

That mission has been in effect since the statement was decreed.

The Ancient Tree of Life will remain a foundation of learning, reference, research and education to the public.

For now at least.

Ancient Tree Of Life Wind Blowing

The Winds of Change

Change is in the Airs.

I have recently noticed ripples and changes in the energy that the Ancient Tree of Life has drawn to it.

And sadly, what I am seeing is not the origin or direction that I initially envisioned when I started my own personal path work many years ago.

Primarily, the Ancient Tree of Life had always been about the spiritual pathwork.

Secondarily, the Ancient Tree of Life had also been about the re-education of these ancient old systems.

And third, but most importantly, the cultural reedification of the origins related to these great Ancient African Spirituality Systems.

This was only second to my personal spiritual development and work.

The reedification that these were the origins of every piece of spiritual information ever created and that has ever existed.

Revelation of Truth and Origin

With that said, my work was never based on ethnicity, racial, prejudice or skin color.

It was always based in the revelation of truth and origin.

Lately I have seen many other organizations based themselves in the aforementioned.

But not just that.

They are spreading what I call Anti-Kemetism.


What these groups coin as Kemetism is not what the ancient Kemetic people believed in or practiced.

These groups are using partial, fragmented, knowledge of the ancient kemetic systems and infusing it with their ego, ethnicity and socio-political agendas.

And, we have seen this happen before.

We only have to look back to the fall of Ancient Atlantis, the fall of Ancient Kemet, the fall of Ancient Sumer to see how the rise of ego, pride and spiritually void leave their empact.

Leaving in their wake, the rise of ancient Babylon at the hands of the Akkadian rulers and conquerors.

And the firm establishment and usurpation of Roman Catholicism and Judeo Christianity.

Both of which are firmly rooted in Ancient Kemetic and Ancient Sumerian history, religion, and spirituality.

This ancient information, in the wrong hands corrupts and gives power to the ignornant, vain and egotistical.

Because of this, I have made the decision to end my continued work on the Ancient Tree of Life Project and fork into another direction.

Ancient Tree Of Life Yin Yang Trans

This Is Not An End

This is not an end, but only the beginning in a new beautiful direction.

It is a reality that has been in my minds eye for sometime now.

This new project will be something entirely new, totally different, yet the same.

It will use the information and knowledge of the Anunnaki The Bible and Ancient Tree of Life Projects as a foundation.


Earth Gates & Portals

Inconclusion, I see the Anunnaki The Bible and Ancient Tree of Life Projects as Earth Gates and Portals.

Doorways and  Gates on Earth that open up the ways to the higher learning.

These systems are the foundations of all spiritual, knowledge, true magick and wisdom.

They are the gateways and keys to the doors of the self and universe.

This is not an end… But a beginning.

Emhotep 🙏🏽

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Learn Truth Why I’m Ending Ancient Tree of Life

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