This is the wisdom of the Feminine productive, intuitive, and blind compassion magick.
Wrapping herself around the masculine, Mut reattached with the warm embrace of the two halves.
But they were different now.
Not like they were before (when they were originally One)
They were no longer a Two anymore, but now a One again.
Mut had wrapped herself lovingly around the masculine energy.
But she was now separate.
As was He (One again, but separate such as Individual Togetherness)
Mut could not feel a true and original oneness but more of a halfness now in their different forms (different vessels).
This masculine energy was not the type to think or congratulate.
His initial springing forth was the result of ages of waiting in darkness with nothing [NOthingness] happening (or moving).
Until, at some moment, something changed.
His inability to do anything but exist in NOthingness, is what made him move.
The masculine energy felt the need to move.
And so it did.
Unknown to either of these two primordial energies, it was Nun, Mut’s mother, who ached with NOthingness as well.
And so it was Nun who gave birth to both of these energetic vibrations.
Both Primordial Divine Feminine Mute and Primordial Divine Masculine pushed from the sheer void of Nuns NOthingness into somethingness.
We (The Universe) then and now had the basis for (Dual) Polarities… And life