Temple of Aset

Temple of Aset

This blog post was created last year.

I wrote it during some heavy mediation on the old Ancient Egyptians.

All writing…

All social issues…

This Temple will be more of an addressing of spiritual issues, providing education, training, and esoteric answers, forums, etc…

It’s essentially an online Temple.

A precursor to actual buildings… or actual temples.

This temple came to be during a meditative trance.

Along with names of the 4 original God’s (and their Goddess counterparts).

Wild stuff.

Our Ogdoad

The Primordial 8

Dates below are the hours and days this information was received.

The Ogdoad

Sun in Pisces 2/19/18

Moon: Aries

Moon Hour: Moon

Hour: 130pm-150 pm

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Their Days of the Week

Heru (Horus): Sun

Khnum: Mars

AmunRe (AmunRa): Jupiter

Khonsu: Moon

Thoth: Mercury

Asar (Osiris): Saturn

Ianna/Ishtar/Aset (Isis) : Venus:

Ptah: Neptune

Nun: Uranus

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Temple of Aset

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