Secret Societies

Secret Societies Scaled
Secret Societies

I recently saw this Life magazine in the store the other day.

The headline read, “Secret Societies. Their Hidden Pasts. Their Remarkable Present

I find it amusing how these so-called “secret societies” know nothing of the real schools of mystery founded tens of thousands of years ago.

These modern-day secret societies or mystery school systems know nothing of the great way of Higher Work.

On the contrary, the mundane secret societies of today’s world, only know how to instill fear and rule through obscurity, secrecy, and manipulation of the masses from within the shadows.

We now live in a world where the powers that be simply want to rule us, and without question.

All they want is to keep and treat us like the domesticated herded animals they have worked so hard throughout the ages to create (the sheep and the shepherd or flock).

Where have the ancestors gone?

Our great ancestors would never have stood for this.

The Great Ones would have lay siege at the gates of the oppressors and force their day of reckoning.

But alas, our great ancestors, the warriors, the gifted ones were massacred and laid to waste by the very controllers and rulers of this antiquated and decadent society and modern day system.

Where are our ancestors?

Where are all the great warriors, brave men and heroic women of yesterday?

I assure you, they are not watching TV or playing on the internet.

What they are doing is fighting for incarnation and to survive the decadence and decay of modern-day living and morality all while being bound to the body that is blind and dumb and numb from the ground up.

Why were our ancestors really slain and put down you may ask?

Was it simply because they would not buy into the new religion?

Or was it because they could not be put down.

Where have our ancestors gone?

Why do you stop them from coming out?

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Secret Societies

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