Revelation Death Rebirth Life

Revelation of Death, Rebirth & Life

Falling Star Tcmo

Death, Rebirth, and Life

I was pondering this the other day.

A sort of Water-based meditation I have mastered.

I received, that we (maybe some, but not all?) were High and then Descended to do our Great Work of the time… of that Age or Aeon. 

We work within the Age using the energy and the level of consciousness that humanity… will allow into their lives without freaking out! 

Tesla stated that humanity was not ready for the many miracles of the universe…

He saw this with his technology being introduced.

It scared people. 

After our Great Work is done (it is never done… simply stalled), we ascend back up to the High.

From which we descended from in the first place. 

This is a cycle of Death, Rebirth, and Life.

Wash. Rinse and Repeat. 

When do we descend from High?

We descend when the Age is ripe and conducive with our Great Work. 

When do we ascend back unto High?

When we have met the ceiling of the Age among the humans and can not work anymore due to their… limited understanding of the universe. 

So we ascend and rise back up… until the clock of time changes… and yet again… we descend. 

Revelation of Death, Life, and Rebirth.

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Revelation Death Rebirth Life

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