Prayer to Auset

Prayer To Auset

This is a Prayer to Auset

Great Mother of the Earth


Raise both your left and right hands into the air.

Step forward with your left foot
(to stomp out evil, so that the heart may follow)

Lift your head to the heavens and repeat the following words

“Hail To The Auset

Great Mother of Magick

My Heart

Is of My Mother Auset


Awaken Within My Heart

Open the Star Chamber

And Guide My Transformation

Into Heru!”

Goodbye Gesture

Complete the prayer by making a fist with your right hand.

Place your right fist over your heart.

Make a fist with  your left hand.

Raise your left hand in the air.

For best results, recite this prayer daily for 7 days.


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Prayer to Auset
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